5 Crazy Facts About Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

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5. The New York Times published “The Rock Says”

Just when Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was hitting his prime, and winning his first championship in the WWE, he actually quietly published a book called “The Rock Says.”  It discusses the struggles throughout his life, and how no matter how hard life gets, it will always get better.  It was a giant hit, as many of the WWE fans took that book on with pride.  It’s surprising a guy like the Rock would write, but it ended up working out for him.  It was published in 2000, and was a former #1 seller.

4. The Rock played football after college

Many people know that the Rock actually played football in college for the University of Miami, but they don’t know that his football career didn’t end there.  He actually ended up signing a 3 year deal in the Canadian Football League to play for the Calgary Stampedes.  However, he didn’t last the entire three years.  He was actually cut pretty quickly after he had signed the three year deal.  This is when he made the move to the WWE, and obviously, it seems like he made a pretty good decision.

3. The Rock created a word that’s in the dictionary

The Rock is most known for his absolute dominance on WWE “Smackdown” which took place either on Thursday or Fridays.  He pretty much created the word Smackdown, and was the main reason for this show having so much success.  The battle between Raw and Smackdown took place, and actually, a draft took place.  Just like expected, the Rock was drafted to Smackdown, due to his dominance on the show and importance before.  In 2007, the word Smackdown was actually put into the dictionary.  No one was more influential on this than the Rock.

2. “The Rock” wasn’t his first wrestling name

This is one that literally no one would guess.  The Rock actually wasn’t his first wrestling name.  Lucky for him, it wasn’t, because the Rock is about as catchy as a name could imagine.  Before that, he was called Flex Kavana and Rocky Maivia.  The WWE got together and decided that neither of those were names they wanted at the highest level of competition.  The Rock, who obviously wanted to compete at this level, went down to just The Rock, and it worked out in a big way.


1. Charity is the most important thing in his life

The Rock could possibly be the biggest name in the world.  However, he always wants to keep himself level headed.  He doesn’t want all the attention on him, and when something to big occurs, the Rock graciously turns it down.  For example, Dunkin Donuts once offered him a chance to have a donut named after him.  The Rock actually turned this down, because he didn’t want to be that big.  He has his own foundation (The Rock Foundation) that gives money to sick children.  He donated a lot of money to his alma mater (University of Miami), and has been known to donate a lot of other cash throughout his time.


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